We are committed to the manifest presence of Jesus in our personal lives and our city.

We believe in reaching the lost and making disciples by growing people from infancy to maturity in Christ.


Pray, then, in this way:

Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed by Your name.

Your Kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:9-10

Thy Kingdom come…

The Encounter will passionately pursue the manifest presence of the Kingdom of God and proclaim that Kenosha belongs to God. We will engage both the believer and pre-believer in Christ with the transforming love of the Father. We will know Him and make Him known. Miracles, signs, wonders, healings, and supernatural encounters will manifest in Kenosha through the goodness of God overflowing in the people of The Encounter.

Thy will be done…


We are a place of nurturing relationships, compassionate and welcoming, where rights are laid down and responsibilities are picked up, where truth abounds and unconditional love is practiced, and where people are free to be who they are called to be. We cultivate an environment where honor, respect, and accountability will be shown. We walk with the mindset of Christ, seeing each other through His eyes. We are a people of integrity, mercy, and love putting others before ourselves. Our speech is inspired by Holy Spirit; releasing words of life with a language of faith, hope, and love. Our actions are guided by discipline allowing freedom within boundaries of righteousness. Guest will feel loved, welcomed, safe, and free.


We call forth and foster the destiny in each other, our church, and our city. We declare the goodness of God and His plans for our lives. We mine the gold that God has placed in each of us and help everyone discover the treasure they are. We provide tools and instruction that lead people into opportunities to walk into their destiny.


We honor and nurture creativity in all people, so that God can be seen. We cultivate creativity through teaching, mentoring, and resourcing in all areas of the arts, communication, worship, and ministry.


We are a people of God, created to worship, free to passionately express our love for the Father. We allow His heart to permeate our individual and corporate lives so that all we do is an act of worship. We remain open to Holy Spirit and seek to grow in our experience and expression of worship.


The Encounter is a house of prayer. We will gather regularly to pray corporately and intercede for each other, our church, and our city.


Love reign supreme and John 17:21 “That they may all be one” will provide the guideline for inescapable unity as we support each other, celebrating and acknowledging that we are individuals, complete in Jesus Christ carrying His mandate of bringing the Kingdom of God to Kenosha. We bless, fellowship with, and minister with other churches to see revival come to Kenosha.

On earth as it is in heaven…


The Encounter models a culture of honor, demonstrating true covenantal relationship, yielding the restoration of families in Kenosha. Husband and wives will love, respect, and empower one another. Children will honor their parents, and parents will instruct, nurture, and raise their children in the freedom of the Lord. Neighborhoods will be changed by the example of our Godly family unit, and true community will be established, making Kenosha the best place to raise a family.

Youth & Children

We are a church that shines on the youth, illuminating their calling, gifting, and destiny. We raise children who know the Lord and make Him known. We pioneer a prophetic culture in our children, celebrating their expression, coaching their revelation, and encouraging their participation in our services. we train our youth to be ambassadors for Christ and use their gifts for Kingdom expansion. We will join with other youth groups and see the youth of Kenosha transformed.


We honor the five-fold ministry gifts as given in Ephesians 4:11-13, recognizing, developing, and functioning within The Encounter and the body of Christ. We are sons and daughters, modeling Kingdom culture, following Christ’s example, while continually seeking to serve one another and Kenosha.


The Encounter is a fertile ground where a prophetic culture will be cultivated in all ages. Prophetic words spoken over Kenosha and this house will come to pass as we co-labor with Christ. The Encounter is a home that is filled with Heaven’s revelation, and a family that honors and celebrates every God-given revelation on earth.


The property of The Encounter is a place where the Prince of Peace both reigns and is tangibly encountered. Our facilities will be wisely used to demonstrate our love for Kenosha.

Community Relationship

The Encounter will see Kenosha through the eyes of God, recognizing the needs of our city, identifying where we can assist, and making every effort to bring the solution. We will constantly find new ways to love our city and be known as the lighthouse of love in Kenosha, creating and environment that restores hope and faith in all our citizens. The weary will find rest, the weak will find strength, and those in need will find provision. Kenosha will know health and wholeness, peace and safety, prosperity and generosity, fairness and justice, love, compassion, and daily encounters with the glory of the Lord.


Nations will encounter the glory of the Lord through the transformed people of Kenosha. As we invest in the citizens of Kenosha, they will take their encounters, experiences, revelations, and training to bring transformation to the nations.